Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Back in the Saddle Again

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Travelling home was pretty uneventful, except the snow in Olympia on Sunday morning. Earlier flights to San Francisco were delayed but mine went out on time. Justin drives like a bat out of hell so we made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare. I had so much fun this weekend. I love hanging out with my cousins and family! We always have a great time. I think that we should plan a family reunion. There won't be any more weddings to bring us together for a long while (hopefully), so that only leaves the sad alternative of funerals. I would post pictures, but I used my camera last week and forgot to recharge the battery before I left. Such an incredible bummer. So send picts to me, those whats haves them.
Laney is sleeping in this morning so I have extra time to post. I wish she'd just take naps instead! My allergies are just killing me. My eyes are itching like there is no tomorrow. On the up side, it's going to be 85 today. We're going to the park to do St. Paddy crafts with our playgroup. I think Laney is ready to get out of the house. She gets tired of being at home. She kept asking me where were were going yesterday.

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