Monday, March 30, 2009

Appliance Plague

So over the weekend the washer quit working, the vacuum died, and last night the dishwasher sprung a leak all over the kitchen floor. Oh joy. On the up side, that eye issue is improving. I went out this morning with Laney and cut back the grass clumps, hosed off the patio furniture and sprayed weeds. All in the wind again (yes, I know, I never learn do I?)
Kenna produced two more teeth on Saturday for a total of 6. That explains the overnight grouchiness I suppose. We didn't do much over the weekend. I had a big list but I didn't want to go outside and the appliances were against me. I did buy a new vacuum which is super cute but it doesn't vacuum up cheerios since it is too low in the front. So I don't know. I also went to book club even though I didn't read the book (Summer Sisters by Judy Bloom). It was fun but I was late getting home. Charles was such a help yesterday. He attempted to let me sleep in (let's face it. Moms hear babies first so I was already awake and then all of my children were being LOUD, so I made it until 7:15) and made me coffee. And did the dishes. Kisses for hubby.
He was off to Arkansas today and I've spent the day doing phone call stuff. I'm waiting to hear back about our prospective rental in Idaho this summer. I'm trying to rent us a condo for a couple of months. More news to follow depending on the owner's ok. I'm also waiting to hear from the swim lesson coordinator so that I can spend a truly OBSCENE amount of money on swim lessons for the kiddos. Yes, all of them. I'm going to do the ISR thing (Infant Swim Rescue -- they teach children as young as 6 months to roll and float in the water or if older to roll, float and swim with eyes open to the side of the pool). Assuming I can get them in. It's a huge hassle since they have lessons every day for 4-6 weeks, but it will all be worth it if I have an extra minute to find them in the pool. I'm really scared that Laney will open a door or the babies will figure out how to get to the pool. The twins are amazingly resourceful...

Friday, March 27, 2009


I have just been miserable with allergies and this eye thing. I went back to the doctor on Wednesday and she said it was probably a virus instead of bacterial and I'd just have to wait it out. Super. The wind was just howling yesterday and I foolishly decided to a) play outside with Laney in the morning and try blowing off the back yard and patio and b) took the kids to the park in the afternoon. By last night I was so congested that I thought my sinuses would explode and my eyes were awful. To make it all worse, my eyes are more sensitive to light and I can't wear my sunglasses with my regular glasses. I can't wait to wear my contacts again.
Charles has been in New Mexico for the last couple of days and is on his way home now. The kids and I went to play group at a mom's house this morning and it was very interesting. My friend Talia and I had a talk about motherhood and missing husbands. Her husband goes to Iraq to work 2 1/2 months on and 2 1/2 months off. She has a daughter almost exactly Laney's age and a son that is about 4 months younger than the twins. We talked today about how we just want our husbands to understand and appreciate how hard it is to do the mothering thing 24/7.
(sat morning)
We watched Tropic Thunder last night and I thought it was hilarious. My washing machine is stuck closed, my vacuum quit working and the babies were up for hours last night. I feel quite grouchy.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Inscrutable Toddler

The mind of a toddler is a mysterious thing that no one can understand. Laney woke up on Monday and decided that she no longer wanted to use the potty. End of story. She wanted to wear her pull ups, thank you very much. So later that day, we ran around a whole bunch and I took off her pull up. Then she announced she needed to use the potty, went in and pooped. I asked her if she'd like to put on underwear. Heck no. I showed her mine and she decided that yes she would. Then she peed in them and refused to put on another pair. And any mention of the potty made her scream and cry..."nooooo!!!". Tuesday I asked if she would like to wear underwear (my thinking is that I've been slacking on just going forward with potty training and we need to bite the bullet and just do it) and she was completely against the idea. She wouldn't use the potty for the entire day, though I did con her in to trying it out at Chick-fil-A though she didn't actually do anything. Today she was in her pull up, walked towards the bathroom and announced she needed to use the potty. Afterwards, she went and got underwear for me to put on her. I'm baffled.
In other news, my pink eye improved enough yesterday to try to wear a contact and this morning my eyes were red and crusty. So off to the dr I go again.
I've officially decided that Craigslist is the coolest thing ever. I listed my baby swing and sold the baby swing, my other baby swing and two bouncers in one shot. Cash in my pocket and clear garage. Whoo Hoo!! I'm on a roll to get rid of all the outgrown baby stuff etc. Next stop is the baby consignment store and a final pick up from charity.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Pink Eye and Power Tools

We had a busy weekend. I woke up Saturday morning with a crusty eye again (I've been having an itchy red eye, then both eyes for about a week and a half) so I bit the bullet and went to the dr. Actually, I went to the CVS Minute Clinic. How cool was that? It took 45 minutes and cost the same as going to the regular dr since they took my insurance. Definitely worthwile for a small problem like pink eye. Yes folks, pink eye. Thrilling. It took longer to get the r/x than to see the nurse. I've been wearing my glasses all weekend and I'm getting really tired of it.
After I got home Saturday I got busy cleaning the front yard (finally). I've got to admit that I've wanted to get the front yard blown off for a long time--and I've wanted Charles to do it because I was intimidated to use the blower. Blowing the yard off is not a gardening task that I grew up with and I didn't want to do it out in front of my house where all my neighbors could watch me blow dirt onto my house, my self and my neighbors' houses. I just couldn't take it anymore though, so Charles got the blower put together for me and out I went. I blew dirt all over me, the house, and into neighbors yards, but eventually got the hang of it. Four hours later, I had the front yard done and bagged SIX black trash bags full of mesquite crud. I couldn't believe how much there was. Neighbor guys stopped by to comment on the progress too. But now I've conquered the blower and can continue maintenance. Yard work is sort of satisfying.
After taking a shower, we hurried off to Ernie and Di's for dinner with Tim and Carol and everyone. It was great to see them! I wish they could have stayed longer (though technically Carol is here all week, she's visiting her parents).
Sunday I tackled the garage finally. It has been a massive dumping ground for too long. I filled the back of the truck with garbage and got things straightened out. Now I need to get my baby stuff sold and/or donated to get the rest of it cleared out. You may be wondering why I was so on fire for outdoor projects. Until recently, Charles hasn't been able to watch the kids alone and I can't do labor/time intensive things outside without someone to watch the kids. Charles cleaned the pool on Saturday (something else I've let slide for a few months) and it really hurt his ankle. Balancing on rocks is a lot of work for the feet and ankles.
Debbie came over Sunday afternoon to watch the kids while Charles and I went out to the Gaslight Theater with sorority. We had a good time, though I wouldn't say it was the best Gaslight performance we've seen. Kenna was saving up new milestones to suprise her aunt. She made her first attempt at stairclimbing and climbed 4 stairs. I couldn't believe it! The gate will need to go up until she can practice dismounts. Then she stood up without holding on to anything for the first time.
Griffin probably has an ear infection, so I need to call the dr. Laney is having a very contrary morning and is insisting on wearing a diaper. What the heck?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring has Sprung

It's Friday again already. I can't believe how fast time goes. I'm outside right now with Laney while the twins take their morning nap. It's sort of overcast today, but nice out anyway. We've had the weirdest weather--it was almost 90 yesterday but will be 70 or lower by Monday. I hate that. But it could be worse--it isn't snowing and I am sitting outside.
I think I need to call the doctor and get G in again. He followed me around all day yesterday crying. I think he might have another ear infection, even though he doesn't have a fever yet. Kenna has been fussy all week, but she has a different problem. I think she's going to cut both top front teeth at once. I realized this morning that I forgot to post the 9 month stats from their doctor appointment last week. So here it is: Griffin weighs 19 lbs 14 oz and Kenna weighs 16 lbs 6 oz. Griffin is holding steady at 50 percentile for height and weight, while Kenna is still on the dinky end of the scale at 7th percentile. With Kenna having no hair and being tiny, people are starting to ask a lot more whether they are twins or not. Another couple months and they are going to think that they are "Irish" twins. That is until Kenna runs away. I give her another month or so before she's walking.
We did our rounds at Costco and Target again yesterday (yeah, I know, I went to Target already this week--but I forgot bottle liners). I've worked out how much formula we need now and it's truly shocking. The Costco size formula (roughly twice the size as the large grocery store container) lasts us 5 days. So we need to buy 6 a month. They cost $28 each. Ouch. But hey, that's nothing compared to a house full of teen agers right?
We've got a busy weekend ahead. Tim and Carol will be here tomorrow and we're having dinner at Ernie and Diane's house. Sunday Charles and I are going to Gaslight Theater as part of a sorority fundraiser. And we have a to do list a mile long to get through in the meantime (now that Charles can sort of walk).

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Risky Business

We had a good day today. We got all dressed in our green and went to the park. The twins wore matching St. Paddy's shirts--so cute. They changed the park for playgroup so we were at the wrong park, but oh well. A mom with 2 year old twins came today for another playgroup and it was interesting to talk to her. I think I met her when I was pregnant with the twins. At that time, I think they were about 9 months old and she said that she never went out anywhere with them because it was just too hard. She just started to go out with them. It's the craziest thing. She says it is just too hard to go somewhere with two babies and watch them both.
After the park, we went to Target because Laney couldn't wear her sandals anymore and needed a new pair. I put both babies in the seat of the cart and Laney in the basket. I think we got more attention because of it. Usually the second carseat is in the basket and so people often miss the fact that there are two babies there. Can't really miss them in the cart together. Especially since they were poking each other and fighting. After we got all done shopping and went to the parking lot, I changed everyone's diaper and put them in their carseats again. And it got me thinking. The logistics of having three small children is such that there are often situations that you would never consider doing if you had a single child and that you do routinely with multiples. For example, I always buckled Laney into the cart seat, but I can't buckle two in there. Also, when we are in the parking lot I have to leave someone in the cart in the parking lot while I get others in or out of the car. I've had people actually think that there is an abandoned baby in the cart. I usually try to put Laney in the car first so that she isn't running around in the parking lot while my back is turned, but last week at the Desert Museum we loaded the kids and started to drive out of the lot and Gayle said "where's Laney?". I looked in the mirror and Laney was not in her car seat. I almost had a heart attack, I'm not kidding. I ran through a whole scenario in my mind that I left her accidently in the parking lot. She was hiding behind the back seat. Today she was doing the same thing when I went to load up. I was distracted by Richelle and didn't immediately buckle Laney in and my friend Richelle freaked out when she didn't see her. I realized I had the door on the other side of the car open and she could have got out while I was loading the stroller. At Target, I left Kenna in the cart (unbuckled) while I went around the other side to put in G and as I was strapping him in I realized that if she decided to stand up I couldn't get back there in time.
So, all in all, that started me thinking about the concept of risk and how much risk we are willing to bear as parents. Do I accept too much risk by going out to do things? I try to analyze and learn as I go and make changes so that next time there is less risk, but it is quite possible that I might end up with an accident on the first go round at some point (see the baggy pajamas and baby carrying on the stairs incident). I guess all parents make choices about risk, I just feel that sometimes I have to make more of them. Leave an infant in the parking lot to buckle in the toddler first? Put the infants in and leave the toddler for last? I honestly don't know. I just try to do the best I can, but sometimes I worry that it won't be good enough.

Back in the Saddle Again

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Travelling home was pretty uneventful, except the snow in Olympia on Sunday morning. Earlier flights to San Francisco were delayed but mine went out on time. Justin drives like a bat out of hell so we made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare. I had so much fun this weekend. I love hanging out with my cousins and family! We always have a great time. I think that we should plan a family reunion. There won't be any more weddings to bring us together for a long while (hopefully), so that only leaves the sad alternative of funerals. I would post pictures, but I used my camera last week and forgot to recharge the battery before I left. Such an incredible bummer. So send picts to me, those whats haves them.
Laney is sleeping in this morning so I have extra time to post. I wish she'd just take naps instead! My allergies are just killing me. My eyes are itching like there is no tomorrow. On the up side, it's going to be 85 today. We're going to the park to do St. Paddy crafts with our playgroup. I think Laney is ready to get out of the house. She gets tired of being at home. She kept asking me where were were going yesterday.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Greetings from Washington

Nick says that I need to write a post about how incredibly awesome he is as a dancer or just in general. So there. I've said it. Obviously Nick is awesome. He's amazing and possibly my favorite nephew ever.
The wedding was fun. Liz and Joe got married at the fairgrounds here in Lacey Washington. It rained all day, which I guess is normal for this place. Bleh. The ushers wore their firefighter carharts and the bride wore green. The guy from Deadliest Catch (mike) officiated the wedding--which was possibly the fastest exchange of vows on record. We partied on and sang karoke. Amanda and I did a fabulous rendition of Goodbye Earl by the Dixie Chicks (if you've ever heard me sing, possibly you understand how great that really was) All my cousins are here and we're heading out to the first restaurant we can find that will seat 20 people without reservations.
I'm missing my hubby and kids quite a lot now but otherwise having a great time.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Quickie Update

It's been a busy week and today will be busier, so here's a quick update. Jeff, Gayle and their three kids got here on Sunday. At 3:30 in the morning. That's right. Saturday night we got a call and they said we are here and in your driveway. I'd been out all afternoon on Saturday, so I hadn't finished my cleaning. Laundry, dishes, dirty bathrooms all were awaiting my attention on Sunday morning. Oh well. We did all the Tucson things all week. Tuesday night we went to the Hilton El Con for the night so that the kids could swim. It was driving them crazy to see the pool in our backyard and not swim. They left yesterday at 3, sort of spontaneously. I guess on the way back they were going to stay in a hotel for the night. It was interesting to figure out where to put 5 people when you have no guest room. It gave us good practice to prep for my parents visit in April though.
Today we're going to the doctor for the twins and then for Charles. Tomorrow I'm off to Seattle.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Taxman Cometh

Yesterday was pretty quiet in the Phillips household. We pretty much just hung out and I paid medical bills. Big fun. Today we went to Gymnastics World and out to bagels with our playgroup. Ella and Laney weren't getting along today for some reason. They literally bumped heads on the trampoline and nothing was good after that. I felt bad for the babies--they slept at the gym most of the time and then there weren't enough high chairs at the restaurant, so they had to stay in the carseats. I'm planning to move them up to new carseats in a couple weeks, so I'm not sure what we'll do then. I bought a spiffy new (used) stroller the other day so I imagine they will spend time in it if there aren't seats. I got a Combi stroller that is a side by side double. It can fit through regular doors, which is a big deal for a double stroller. The babies are getting just too heavy to pack around in their infant seats. I can't wait to get them weighed next week. I know that Griffin weighed 19.8 pounds last week. Kenna is chubbing up too, but still fits in 6 month size clothes (compared to G in 12 month size).
Today I have to go get our taxes done and I'm not looking forward to it. Charles has meetings at TEP, so I have to take all of my children. I'm sure my grumpy old accountant will just LOVE that. But tough beans to him.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Oh yeah, Ear Infections

Forgot to mention in the last post that I also took G to the doctor on Friday since he was running a fever. His cold that wasn't getting better morphed into infections in both ears. So I'm trying to remember to dose him regularly with his antibiotics. I better go do that now in fact.

Potty Training

I joined Facebook and, while I still haven't really figured it out, it seems to suck up my free computer time. So sorry all, I'll get back to blogging now.
We've been busy busy. Over the weekend we went car seat shopping for the twins and then over to Olive's for a quick visit. Debbie, David and Angelica came over on Sunday for dinner between David's tax appointments. Hopefully he figures out soon that his time with his family is valuable. He's spent a great deal of his leave working. We had a nice dinner and I finally produced biscuits that weren't yucky. I've been on a streak of bad biscuit making the last few months.
I got up before dawn on Monday to get in line to sign Laney up for preschool. It's a two year old program (and the only one in Oro Valley for 2 year olds). All other preschools start at 3 and your child must be 3 by Aug 31 to attend. I was there at 4:30 in the morning and I was number 9 in line. I had friends that came at 7 and were number 43. There were only 9 openings for the Tuesday Thursday class. I guess Oro Valley is underserved in the preschool department. Once you have a student at the school, you are able to sign up a week earlier than the general population. I realized that the twins will be ready to go to school next year. It's hard to believe that they are almost 9 months already.
I've been weaning them and were pretty officially complete now. Sigh. I need to go back to Costco again--I'm going to be out of formula again by the end of the week.
[brief break just occurred. Griffin was eating a tictac off the bathroom floor]
I totally forgot that I was supposed to go to a mom's night out last night. I'm such a dip sometimes. What a bummer too. They finally moved it to a night I could go on! But I got distracted by a call. We just found out that we're going to have company next week--all week. Charles' friend Jeff and his family are going to come visit from Texas. It should be fun but a little hectic since we have doctor appointments for the twins and Charles gets his cast off and I leave on Friday morning.
Ok, so now the big news! We've been experimenting with potty training--practicing if you will as opposed to really Potty Training Officially. I broke out the potty chair over the weekend, thinking that Laney would like one that she could use by herself. She insisted that we convert the seat to the big toilet. This potty chair can be a regular potty chair or a seat insert and step stool. The step stool was a huge hit, though it is still a little short. But Laney ran in there on Sunday and used it by herself. So that aspect of potty training seems to be a definite go but she wasn't pooping. Yesterday we came home from Target and she was supposed to take a nap. She was playing in her kitchen and then ran in and told me that she needed to poop on the potty--and then she did!!