Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ho ho ho in the snow snow snow

It took us 38 hours to finally get to Idaho. We left Thursday morning at 7 to drive to Phoenix and arrived at 9 on Friday night. Oh the joys of the holiday season. Massive snow storms have been coming through the Northwest since last Wednesday. We ended up having to fly to Seattle Thursday night and buy tickets out on a different airline Friday. We nearly froze to death waiting for the shuttle to the hotel (thank goodness we booked it online from Phoenix--a lot of people slept in the airport). We didn't get to sleep until after midnight and were up at 5 to get back to the airport. When we got there, the line to check in wrapped around a corner of the building, then another corner, then another corner. There must have been 500 people in there. Charles was freaking out, but the Southwest airlines guy ended up moving us into a special line to check in. Once we were in though, our flight got delayed and delayed again. Then, when we were about to board someone in security set off an alarm and no one could board planes at all. Finally we got on and taxied out to the runway. As we were revving the engines to go, the pilot suddenly decelerated and took us back to the terminal. They canceled our flight and all the flights for that day to Spokane. So we unloaded everything and back to the airport we went. Charles called and rented us a car, but we had to have a really big car or a mini van and they were out of vans. So we ended up in a rear wheel drive Mercury Marquis-ish boat of a car and drove over the pass. The car had no snow tires either and super bad lights, but eventually we made it to Idaho. And the snow just keeps on coming. The daytime highs have been about 12.
Our Christmas shopping has been severely hampered by the weather. But I can't tell you how happy I am to be here. We are going to have a very white Christmas.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Xmas Lights etc

Winterhaven was fun last night. We bundled all up for the ride (since it was going to be so cold--like 50 or something) and sang Christmas carols as we rolled through the neighborhood. I've got to say though--I wasn't blown away by the light display. On the other hand, you've got to appreciate the enthusiasm. There were some really cute displays, including one that turned the whole front yard into an underwater scene with Santa. The kids were all very good. The twins skipped a feeding and didn't have their cereal for dinner, so they were up several times over the night.
Today we had a crappy morning and I was definitely not the mother of the year. Laney actually ran and hid in the pantry at one point. So we skipped playgroup today since I was running behind and grouchy. We went to the mall and met Debbie and Olive for lunch. Ollie and Deb came back to the house with me to stay with Laney while I went to the dr. with the twins. Debbie actually came to the doctor with me and was a big help. It's hard to schlep both babies and get them dressed and undressed, especially when they are crying. Tomorrow we have a ton of stuff to do to get ready to leave.
In other news, my mom and dad were headed to Moscow, Idaho to see my grandma. She had a heart attack today and it isn't looking too good. I'm waiting for news still. Hopefully she pulls through. She's a tough lady.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Let the Countdown Begin...

4 days to go! I'm getting excited to go home for Christmas, but starting to freak out a little bit about everything I need to get done between now and then. We've got a lot to cram in before we leave, but I guess that's the holidays for you. Tomorrow night we are going on a hayride through the Winterhaven neighborhood to look at the lights. I'm sure that Laney will love it and probably the twins will sleep through it. I'm going with sorority, so we will have lots of willing baby holders.
We had a fairly quiet weekend. Yesterday we went to the Christmas parade in Oro Valley (which takes sooo much effort since it literally goes right past the main road outside our subdivision). That was fun and we did some socializing with the neighbors. I'll post some picts. Laney was jazzed about seeing Santa.
The weather kind of went downhill and it was yucky today--gray and raining. We are going to freeze our butts off in Idaho--we're cold at 50 degrees! I went to the mall today to buy a few more things for the kids. Hopefully they will have enough warm clothes. I got Laney a coat too. It's not the greatest thing ever, but since she really only needs it for 2 weeks and it was $15, it will do. We also got her new earrings at the jewelry store. She lost one of her earrings and I just can't bring myself to put cheapo stuff in her ears in case she developes a metal allergy, so I sprung for the gold. These have screw on backs though, so should be less apt to get lost. The original earrings were really sharp and had long posts and the backs were so loose that she was constantly losing one.
I made pork medallions with port cranberry sauce for dinner tonight and I must say that it was super yummy. As I was putting it on the table I thought, hmm, I suppose this isn't the typical mom's quicky dinner. We had a rousing dinner conversation related to barking spiders and trod upon ducks. We have classy food, if not classy conversation.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Baby Stats

The twins went to the doctor today for their 6 month checkup. I can't believe that it is 6 months already! Anyhow, Griffin is 26 1/2 inches long and weighs 17 1/2 pounds (less than I thought. He feels like he's packed full of lead). That puts him solidly in the 50% percentiles. Kenna is still dinky, coming in at 24 1/4 inches long and weighing 13.7 pounds. That puts her in the 10th percentile. Her head is in the 70th though, so I guess her little brain is growing! They got two shots and an oral vaccine today and will go back next week for two more shots. Lucky them.
Everyone is still sick. G was up all night and ended up sleeping in my bed. I'm not sure exactly how I've managed to be sharing my bed so frequently with babies. Laney never slept in bed with us. I hope this all passes by next week though. I don't think flying with colds sounds like a lot of fun.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Away in a Manger

Tonight, after dinner, Laney wanted to go outside. So I took her for a walk through the neighborhood to look at the lights. We had the best time...I think my heart grew two sizes today. We walked down the street with the moon shining down on us and talked about Christmas. She told me "Santa says HO HO HO" using the deep voice for the ho ho ho part. At the end of the street was a manger scene and I explained that there was Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus and that Christmas was Jesus' birthday. Then I sang Away in the Manger. She asked me to sing the baby Jesus song for her a couple more times. It was just the sweetest thing. I felt the Christmas magic.
We went to our neighborhood park today to burn off some energy. The weather was awesome. Kenna ate sand about three times. They all have colds right now, so Kenna and Laney both had the gravel crusted booger faces. So pretty.
We've been home all week because they are sick. I'm starting to go a little stir crazy. I went to sorority last night though and we had our xmas party. It was fun. My secret sister gave each of the kids a toy and Laney was thrilled this morning because she got Dora the Explorer toys. She played with them all day (they may have gone to bed with her tonight).
Also, I wanted to add the quote of the week:
"It isn't medicine. It's cheese. Don't put it on your toes"
There are a lot of things I just never thought I'd say.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday Already?

It's a busy time of year and I'm not doing so great at the daily posting thing. I was doing better before I had to share the computer with Charles. It was a busy weekend. I went out on Friday for a massage and then Charles and I went out to dinner with a business associate at Westward Look. It was really nice and I had a good time. I really like Mike and it was good to get out without the kids.
Saturday I went to a sorority luncheon (which takes up most of the day) and it was ok. I always sit there eating my $20 rubber chicken and think "why do I come to these things?" It is usually pretty dull and filled with grumpy old ladies who I don't know since I don't go to city council. Then Saturday night we went over to Ernie and Diane's for dinner. Today I made pork carnitas (which were yummy btw) and went to book club. Debbie and Angelica came over for dinner. We're trying to get together for family dinners on Sunday, even though it's sort of a long haul between our houses. Angelica didn't get the snare drum position in drumline that she wanted, but will be the lead bass drummer this season. They are both trying hard to get up the festive urge, but are missing David quite a lot.
Bedtime for bonzo. I'll chase C off the computer more regularly this week.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Santa Claus came to town

Santa visited the Oro Valley library today and it was CHAOS, but fun. Laney joined in the crowd at the front with Santa and did ok. She looked a little lost every once in a while though. We got our picture taken with Santa, but I was feeling a little harried by that point and didn't want to take too much time so they aren't super great shots. At least the kids didn't cry and a whole lot of the other kids did. I was feeling pretty bad for Santa and I think he was getting a little tired of the whole thing too.

After the library, we went out to lunch at Pei Wei and then had gelato at Frost. Then Laney, Logan, and Nathan all played in the fountains at Casas Adobes plaza. They had a lot of fun, except when Nathan pushed Laney off the fountain and she hit her head. She has a bruise on the back of her head now. Things got a little wild, but hey, that's kids for you.
This afternoon I baked brownies and took my homemade chicken pot pie over to Talia with the brownies. I didn't bake the small pie that I made for Laney and myself yet, but hopefully it will be good. (the casserole didn't make the cut and I went for classic comfort food) The only bummer was that the lid of my pan screwed up the crust on Talia's. I didn't bake Talia's, since I thought they might want to freeze it instead. Food parade's are awesome, but you do get inundated with food.
We ended our night with the now daily dinner scream-a-thon. My kids seem to turn into monsters promptly at 5 (and then I turn into a monster too). Except Kenna, who was an angel tonight. Thanks, K. After they are all in bed, I know I should get busy and pick up/get stuff done, but I'm just wiped out. But tomorrow is another day...

Tuesday - the day of the dookie

This post is going to talk about poop again. You can skip to the next paragraph if you want to. Yesterday morning, as I was nursing a baby and trying to get everyone ready to go to playgroup, Laney took off her wet pull up and ran off. Ok, I thought, I'm going to need to get her dressed again in a second. So as I finished nursing, Laney came running in telling me she went poopoo. I thought "crud! she's peed on the floor!" and went to check. Nope, she went poop. RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LIVING ROOM. So there it was...a big dookie right on my rug. I have to admit that I was a little relieved because pee would have been harder to pick up. But still..

We went to the park for playgroup and had a good time. The weather was awesome (it was 80 by the time we left) so I actually got a little hot. All in all a good play time for mommy and kids.

I've decided that boys really are so different. I showed Griffin how a toy in his crib will play a song if you squeeze the little feet and he was all over it. He had that thing singing for the next 45 minutes and I showed him twice. Amazing.
Kenna gets the tough baby award for the week. While we were at the park, Mary let her daughter Logan hold Kenna. A few minutes later, we both look down and Kenna is literally eating sand. Logan had poured sand in her face. Kenna was amazingly ok with it all, even sand in her mouth. She fussed a little on the way home though and I discovered that she was pretty loaded with sand all through her clothes so the car seat must have been uncomfortable. Poor baby. She also is sitting briefly unsupported now. I'm wondering if she is going to start crawling while we're in Idaho for Christmas.

Monday, December 1, 2008

That's Broccoli

Went to Nina's (aka Aunt Debbie's) for dinner yesterday. We're trying to make an effort to get together as a family once a week for dinner. Debbie was guilted into serving a vegetable since I was coming and then I made her eat them. Ha ha! She told Laney to eat her little trees and Laney looked at her like she was crazy and said "no,that's broccoli Nina!". Laney isn't huge on veggies, but I don't really say anything and keep putting them on her plate. I figure I'll wear her down eventually.
Today I went to the mall and bought myself a pair of jeans. Yea for me. Laney went to Aunt Di's and played with Leah (who was home sick so hopefully she doesn't come down with the same illness). I went in to get Laney this morning and found her buck naked and busy throwing everything out of her crib again. She had to have another bath this morning and most of her stuff needed a wash. I'm not sure what the timeline is and whether she is taking the pullup off before or after wetting the bed or a little of both. Potty training is on the agenda for the new year and regular diapers may make a reappearance at night time just because of leakage.
Griffin woke up singing this morning and didn't stop all day. He was in bed with me early this morning after nursing and he woke up and sang and tried to touch my face. Which is the nice way of saying he lovingly tried to poke my eyes out and grab my nose. He was very sweet all day long. Kenna cried big tears for a large portion of our mall visit but got happy again later. Griffin got scared by a little boy at the mall and had a panic cry, which is so weird for me to deal with because Laney never did that and Kenna seems pretty oblivious too. So my little boy gets freaked out by strangers occasionally.