Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wax B's and Eye Disease

Oh, glorious day. I looked in the mirror this morning and discovered that my eye was NOTswollen, red, itchy, and was only slightly peeling/flakey. For the first time since January. It has been just as awesome as you would imagine it would be to have said eye condition for nearly 3 months.
Not much on the agenda today. I cleaned the kids' rooms and we generally hung out. Looks like we're mostly on the mend. The kids still have a cough if they get active, but things seem to be clearing. I can't tell if I'm still sick or just allergic to everything. It is pollen season in the old pueblo.
The kids keep trying to go swimming. The pool is freezing cold, but it's been in the 80s every day for a little while and looks like it will be continuing. Spring is sprung.
As I mentioned previously, writing is a big activity in my house. On my way down the stairs yesterday, I discovered a big red B drawn on the stair carpet using red chapstick. Hmm. Also, a tiny robot looking thing has appeared on Laney's wall. In ink pen. I have a lot of painting ahead of me.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


It amazes me how fast children can change. In just the last couple of weeks, Laney has suddenly become a writer and artist. The light turned on and pow! There it all was suddenly. She's been writing all of her letters and her name and she made Charles a card the other night that was just the cutest thing. It had little people and caterpillars and things. Sure you may say, kids do this all the time and mine is always drawing something. Well, mine didn't. So one day no drawing, the next day figural drawings in lots of detail.
Griffin is still unusually attached to his pajamas. We fight about it whenever I need him to wear decent clothes (like to church) and he only wants to wear his tiger jammies. Hopefully this is a stage that goes quickly.
We went to church this morning and then went started our parenting class again. Then we went to the park for a church picnic. It was fun. Yesterday we cleaned the garage (or at least got a good start on it) and then I cleaned the car in the afternoon. It was amazingly satisfying to clean my car. It was just so gross that I felt bad every time I got in it or someone saw it. Yuck. Now it is clean and good. On the inside. I still need to go get it washed.
This afternoon I made gumbo and we all watched the Princess and the Frog together. The gumbo was awesome. I like okra though. Unlike the ladies on Our Best Bites, I do not believe that it is a vegetable grown in Hell and hoed personally by the devil himself. I guess I like goopy veggies. Now I need to go back and print out the recipe before my temporary membership to the website expires. Sad, yes?
Feeling sleepy now from too much gumbo (and a couple glasses of wine) so off I go. Got to help C get ready to leave again tomorrow.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Home Improving, Health Deteriorating

Bleh. We're all sick at the Phillips house. Griffin caught the crud last week and we've been passing it along. The bummer is that it doesn't seem to go away once you get it. So he's still hacking up a lung and now the girls and I are too.
I painted the living room over the weekend. Ernie brought a scissor lift over and I got to work. It was really fun to use a lift to paint. I'd totally do it again. I got really good at driving it. I painted the room a light tan, but Diane told me that it looks yellow. And I guess it does a little bit in the afternoon. Oh well.
Next up is getting my filthy carpet cleaned. I am also going to repaint the dining room. The piano is going to move into the living room instead of the dining room. It just too squished in there.
Charles and I are going to start co-leading a parenting discussion group at the church. I know, funny isn't it?
Mike went to jail over the weekend and Zack has a broken nose. Not sure what all is going on. We'll find out more this weekend I suppose.
This weekend we need to get out and start cleaning up the yard. My poor palm trees are seriously toast. I'm not sure if they will make it.