Thursday, June 18, 2009

Gardening at Dana's

Ok you lurkers, where are the comments?? I admit that I was a bad poster there for a while but it is sad to see no comments. sniff.
We seem to all be over our little plague. Laney had a little tummy bug and puked a few times and ran a fever. Kenna had something that made her feverish and Griffin is, as usual, running massive boogies from the nose. I took G to the Dr this week and will call tomorrow for results on the allergy testing.
Today I went to Dana's to garden again. It was so nice being outside in the garden in the sunshine, listening to the crickets and the calls of the pheasants, pulling up nature just as fast as I could. I still didn't get very far since pulling all the grass out is very painstaking. I'll have to go back....
Dana has another new chicken which puts her at a total of 7 (I think). She's got 4 teenagers, 2 just getting their feathers and 1 in fluffy fluffy peep peep stage. You know what I mean. She also has bunnies coming out her ears. That saying about rabbits is no lie. Laney had an incident with Colleen and a ball point pen today while I was out in the garden. She has a scratch from her nose to her eye, with a cut under the eye. I must admit I was a little freaked out about it. I mean, a 1/2 inch higher and she could have been in the punctured eye honey category (if I have not posted on the eye honey story, let me know and I'll fill you in on the grisly details). I'm not sure how you can accidently stab a toddler in the face with a pen. But things do happen I guess.
I think G stealth walked behind my back for the first time today. I turned around just in time to watch him sit back down--about two feet from my chair. Hmmm. The two of them are really getting in to the walking thing. Griffin can also climb things quite well, like in to his stroller seat or up onto Dana's rocker. He thought he was the man when he got in the rocker today. Just beaming and trying to make the chair rock. Kenna has been the sweetest baby lately. Just darling. Laney is just discovering the art of the tantrum, which is just awesome. really. May this stage pass quickly. Tomorrow we are going to the park again and maybe to the pool.

1 comment:

Ryann said...

I am a stalker. Haven't been feeling well. Just well enough to read.

Anyhow, I understand the almost eye accident. When I was in third grade, I stuck a pencil in my eye and the tip broke off. Not my best day.

And two walkers-you're in for trouble now!