Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bronchitis and birthday parties

Saturday was a little wild. Charles told me that he wanted to go out to breakfast, so I got up and got cracking. As I'm getting the kids ready, Charles says go ahead and leave Kenna in the crib and then starts being really weird. Needless to say, I was getting irritated because I had to go to breakfast, finish wrapping a birthday gift and go to a birthday party by 10. Finally, after I started getting snippy because he was feeding Laney breakfast, he told me that my sorority sisters were coming to get me for a kidnap breakfast. It was fun, but it could have been a better day. Charles finished dressing the kids and came to get me. He was all grouchy because he had to go the party (2 hours, how awful). I just felt crappy. After we got home I went to urgent care while Charles played his video game. I had a fever over 100 and a lung infection. Yeah for me. I came home thinking maybe I could get some rest, but it just wasn't to be. I fed babies and then came back downstairs to cook dinner.


Ryann said...

What are you doing cooking dinner clearly sick? Where was Chuck? Need to take away that video game and get him working!

Lori said...

Chuck was being a pain. He's the worst nurturer when it comes to taking care of sick people. Oblivious. I wish I could take the video game away--it's like crack.