We took at trip to the fire station on Monday with our playgroup and had a relatively good time. I didn't have a camera since I still didn't have a charged battery. I do now though, so tomorrow I will take dance pictures. I've been unreasonably grumpy for two days, I have no idea why. But I am. The kids are literally climbing the walls and Laney has been unusually sassy.
We had school today, which I was looking forward to. Last Thursday Laney came home with a bite mark on her arm that showed each tooth quite clearly. My first thought was "what was she doing to that kid?". I got her all dropped off and was going to get coffee and do a couple things when I realized that I forgot the cell phone at home so I had to make a trek back. Then the twins and I went to Costco where Kenna was super cranky the whole time. We picked Laney up and headed home--no biting today, but three kids were out sick including Ella. Richelle told me that the urgent care place she took Ella to for an ear infection said that there have already been 10 cases of swine flu downtown at the U hospital. Swell. By the time we were all lunched, I was definitely ready to be without them for a little while. Laney was bouncing off the walls but I sent her to bed anyway. Things seemed to be going well at first but then she was up and down. I came downstairs to try to figure out a medical bill issue and she went in to the babies room and woke them up and I was PISSED. So the twins got up and Laney got spanked and sent back to bed. Things were quiet (eventually) and I went to check on her. Thankfully. I found her with her lamp on and two stuffed bears shoved in to the top of it. They were at the scorch stage. So no more lamp for Laney since she tries to burn the house down.
Twins and I went to swimming following the mad dash to look for their stuff, which I found wet and mildewy under a pile of toys behind the couch. So I had to come up with alternate wear quickly and then grabbed Kenna on the way out the door only to discover that she was poopy. Strapped her in anyway to change at the pool. Got to the pool and discovered that it was swim meet day and there were no parking spaces at all in the entire parking lot (since the two school buses didn't pull next door to the high school but parked lengthwise through 16 spaces). Monsoon storms were darkening the sky and I had to park in the high school lot and push the twins (after changing the diaper in the car) uphill along the street and into the park. Grrr (fyi the temperature was about 101 at that point). I almost went home instead. Anyway, we got them swam without a pool closure from lightening. I have a feeling that they will end up taking an extra week and I'm not too jazzed about it.
So here I am. My house looks like it got bombed. I have seven million things to do and I'm sitting here blogging. What the heck. Maybe tomorrow I'll be less grouchy and more motivated. On the bright side, our house didn't burn down.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
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