Thursday, September 17, 2009

Swingin' in the Rain

We had a great Sunday this week (even though Charles had to leave at 4 in the morning). The kids and I went to the craft store and book store, to McDonald's for lunch and then in the afternoon we went outside to paint with our new paints and brushes. While we were out there, a freak little rainstorm started. We just kept playing. Here's some picts:
The girls were running in the rain and having a good time. Griffin mostly hung out at the table and ate his snack. He was in a more pensive mood I guess.
It's been a busy week. I feel like I've just been running everywhere. Tomorrow night I'm heading off for a weekend away for a sorority conference. I have about seven thousand things to do before then and a major sinus headache and a lack of will to do them.
This week has been a big guilt week for me. Last Thursday night Griffin was up for hours crying and I thought he was teething. I took his pjs off in the morning and discovered that the elastic had wrapped around his little toe. The doctor said that it was dislocated and possibly broken (though it doesn't seem to be causing him pain now). I felt like crap. His toe was blistered all the way around and it's peeled off now so it is red and crusty. Poor thing. In general though I've been feeling like the not-so-good mom. My children keep getting saved from imminent injury when crawling out of the stroller behind my back (or in front of me as was the case today when K slipped out the front of the stroller without me realizing it and I started to run her over). Kenna has been having screeching tantrums in public, both climb everything in sight and it is definitely hard to keep track of all three at once. Let's just say I rely on the kindness of strangers. I also don't put on enough sunscreen, pack enough snacks, run out of wipes, fail to brush their teeth often enough and a multitude of other parental sins. I signed up for a parenting class (what the heck) and the first thing they talked about was childproofing the home. The list of things "nonchildproofed" in my house is a long one. Failure already. I was just hoping they would have some ideas on how to stay calm with a toddler who can push my buttons like she's been taking a Mavis Beacon Teaches Annoyance class.
All that whining and self pity/flagellation aside, I do want to point out that I adore my children, even in quantity. And a good portion of the time I love my life and "work". I just feel like sometimes I owe it to them to be better.
[this is why I haven't been blogging as much lately. I'm tired and stressed and it makes me a whiny poster. sorry]
In other news, the twins got their shots Wednesday and got weighed. Kenna is an even 20 lbs and Griffin was 23 lb 6 oz. He is about an inch and a half taller than she is. We'll go back for flu shots in a couple weeks. I'm terrified that they will get the flu or that I'll get the flu. If I get sick we are seriously hosed since Charles will be travelling through to November, including a lot of weekend days. Though I guess he doesn't have to go to Oklahoma next week because they chose a different product, so I'll see him for a few days.
We're almost potty trained now and Laney has been working on night time stuff. It started well but I think we're rushing it a little. I bought some more princess pull ups today and we'll back track a little on the project. She was pleased to use the princess pull up. She just doesn't wake up when she has to pee. We've got to wait for the biology to catch up with us I guess.

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