We're so close to being done with swimming lessons and I'm so excited. We should finish up by Friday. We're all sitting around the kitchen table right now watching Handy Manny and eating bagels. Kenna is sporting a fu manchu of cream cheese and I must say she does look dashing. K and G are starting to talk a lot more, though it's still sort of an interpretive thing. G says cracker and it sounds a lot like ca ca. Yesterday at dance class we had a first. I told G to not to play with a blanket on the toy table. He was entertaining someone's grandpa and was across the room from me. For some reason, saying no to the blanket caused him major emotional upset. He turned to look at me and did this lip quivering thing and started to cry. He had to sit on my lap the rest of the time.
We were supposed to go to dance and then go to the park for a play group thing where I needed to return a baby bouncer. We got to dance but on the way to the park I realized that a) I was out of gas and b) I forgot the bouncer. So I went all the way home and got the bouncer and went to the park and unloaded everyone only to discover it was the wrong park. Missed my bouncer meetup since I was late. Then we coasted to a gas station and went to Target. I used to have this view of myself as being an organized person. In reality, I'm a complete dork.
This morning I have to have a talk with the preschool teacher about the dreaded Z (the biter, now hitter). Both Laney and Ella find him fascinating, but he hits them. I'm also wondering if the super sassy behavior that happens after preschool (sticking tongue out and spitting for example) is related to this boy. So, I need to have a chat with Ms Barbara. I would rather not, but I guess I need to Mom-up and do what needs to be done.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
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