Blogging is so hard now because if I want to do it in the morning (my least bitchy time) then I've got to hold someone on my lap while I type. "Someone" is always wanting to help by typing too or poking other buttons. The twins are fascinated with the top of the kitchen table (where the laptop is usually) and if I take my eye off them for a second I find them up there. Last week I ran upstairs to get clothes for them and Charles found Kenna sitting on the keyboard where she had poured an entire cup of coffee. Both of them stealthed up there yesterday and I found them playing with my cell phone and the home phone while sitting on the computer. Kenna also knocked another coffee into it yesterday. I had to do a system restore Saturday because my letter keys were typing numbers (?!).
We are done with swimming. Whoohoo!!!! Though I'll miss my daily chat with Pam. I'm not sure what I will do with my free afternoons. In other news, I did have a talk with the preschool teacher about Z the biting/hitting boy. She's got a somewhat more laissez-faire idea of things than I do--which is really saying something since I feel like sometimes I'm approaching the Lord of the Flies method of parenting. I guess the kid is up to two bitings now and they "watch" him. She says that it is all just part of preschool. I'm not so sure, but at least I brought it up. Of course that same day I picked Laney up and she said he hit her in the face.
Friday Laney stole cereal out of the pantry to put in her shopping cart. About 20 minutes later it was really really quiet in my house so I got suspicious. I found Delaney and Griffin behind the couch. She'd opened the cereal and was feeding him cereal and reading him a story. It was the cutest thing!! So I told Charles about it and he went down to have a look. When he checked they both had shoes and were taking turns hitting each other--in a friendly way, but still.
We went to the Greek festival Friday night as part of a sorority thing. But only Jan and I went (we were expecting others...) It was really crowded and we sat at an end of a table at the edge of the patio so for some reason that meant we needed to sit with the smokers. Bleh. I was going to say something to them about maybe not smoking next to my children, but then realized that one of the smokers was pregnant so that probably wasn't going to work. Regardless, we still had a good time. Jan played with the kids and another older couple congratulated her on her beautiful grandchildren (she went along, what the heck right?). The food was awesome. I think I must have been Greek in a past life. Opa!!
Saturday I went out for the morning and met friends for our book group. We had breakfast at Torino's and it was yummy. I had to be home by noon though so C could leave for Phoenix.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
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