Laney pronounced that today is a brand new day while sitting here at the breakfast table. So I thought I should let everyone know. Plus Kenna looks like she's going to shout "Freedom" at any moment and join the cast of Braveheart. It's smoothie day and the purple stuff is now everywhere. Perhaps smoothies aren't ideal baby food? Oh well, what the hell.
[massive smoothie explosion happens here]
Ok, so now it's after dinner. Turns out that smoothies really aren't ideal baby food. Griffin refused his but splashed it all over first. Kenna ate hers but when she was done she threw her glass over board and it exploded purple goop all over the kitchen. So I got them up and wiped off and hosed down. I had to strip K's diaper off too. I put her down to wipe up the floor and turned around to find a puddle of pee behind me.
We eventually got cleaned up and on our way though. We had dance class today and then went to a music class thing to try it out. Here's the thing they never tell you about mommy and me type classes: you work your ass off. Up down up down, dance, sing, clap, bounce baby etc etc etc. You work it even more with two babies. Then it was off to Trader Joe's for a quick shop. Laney pushed the mini cart for me and did a great job. We were with other play group moms and it made me realize that Laney does lot of things that I sometimes take for granted. I'm proud of her. We went to McDonalds afterward for lunch and they played like crazy. The twins are amazingly mobile and climbed up the slide to slide back down over and over. I was tired by the time we got home.
We did swimming this afternoon for the twins and they are doing well. All the little girls at the pool made a big deal about Kenna. That's pretty par for the course though. Kenna seems to attract girls that like babies. Sometimes I feel bad for Griffin because he's often left out of the attention. But maybe he prefers it.
I've got to go write an obituary now for convention. Yippee.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
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