Today was Laney's first day of school and we only had tears for a short while (mine). She was so big but a little taken aback by the chaos. Lots of the kids were screaming and crying for their mothers not to leave, but Laney calmly used the potty and got into her seat to play. I told her goodbye and left, then I was shocked to find myself totally crying on the way out. It snuck up on me. I guess it was just a bigger deal for me than I thought it would be to leave my baby with others at school for the first time. It could have been worse though. My friend Richelle was totally wrecked dropping off Ella. The process of leaving your first is not as hard as that of leaving your last. I was going to take the twins to playgroup at the park, but decided I didn't feel like it. We went to coffee with Richelle and then shoe shopping. It felt so strange to be out without Laney.
It has been a busy week. We went to playgroup at Jaimie's on Tuesday and had a good time. Tuesday night we swam in our pool again and the babies doodled around in the yard. Until they discovered the super fun game of throw rocks in the pool for mommy to fish out. Wednesday was dance day again and Laney did well. We had a planning session for play group afterward since I'm a co leader now. Wednesday night I had to get back from swimming and cook dinner and clean up really fast because everyone was coming over for a sorority work night. We're working on favors for convention. I also have to work through the obituary stuff. We have to do a big thing on Bill Ross, but frankly I don't really get it. I don't know if I'm supposed to admit that as a good sorority member, but I don't feel the tragedy of losing Bill. The Ross family created the sorority in the 20s during the depression and while the sorority is itself a nonprofit, the family makes its living selling services and sorority stuff to the sisters. Which is fine and all, but hardly the noble calling that everyone makes it out to be. Bad Lori. I'll work on a better attitude for convention.
Mom talked to me this week and asked whether the babies had gotten teeth. I said no, but double checked later and sure enough Griffin had a new bottom tooth. Kenna also has a bottom tooth about to pop out and a molar on the way. We're transistioning out of bottles and between naps and I'm wondering if I shouldn't take a little more time. I guess they will survive. I also quit buying pull ups for Laney. She's having a fit about the diapers, but I figure she'll be that much more enthused to do a final potty training. She came home from dance yesterday and carefully removed her outfit and then peed behind the couch. I think it was an experimental thing so we had quite a talk about it. Today she pooped on the potty on her own before school (and peed twice at school). So there's the news. Now I need to go take care of the night time ritual with Laney before C loses his patience.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
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