Hmm. What to write about today? It was an important day filled with tasks like hiding under a blanket with Laney and Kenna because a giant was coming. We read stories together. We sang songs. We ate Cheerios. Laney peed on something. We had grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch with a side of grapes. Basically, I meant to get things done today but I just played with my kids. While I showered this morning, the twins were ranging through the bedroom and upstairs hallways together. Griffin crawled all the way to Charles' office. When I got out of the shower, I panicked a little because I couldn't find him. I've decided that having twins is a lot like having puppies--they crawl around together and follow me places now and they crawl all over each other and chew stuff. It's cute until someone gets poked in the eye. Even then it's still cute, but someone is crying.
As I came downstairs this evening after the last one was put into bed (I love putting Laney to bed because she tells me "goodnight mommy. I love you" ah), that I had been in constant motion and work mode since 3:30 and it was 8. There are a lot of tasks compressed into that small time frame.
In other news, my mom (hi mom) says she's coming to visit in April! That should be cool. Now I just need to figure out where I'm going to put them. We really really need to move into a house that suits our needs a little better, but who knows if we can do it this year. sigh. Anyway, it was a good day today and I'm counting my many blessings.
I updated my pictures in the slideshow tonight too. The new pictures are from before Christmas.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
I've often found that I talk to my kids like they were puppies too. Kind of sad sometimes but that is the reality!
Hope your parents come and see us when they are in this part of the country. It was great seeing everyone at the wedding. And btw I don't drive like a bat out of hell, I was keeping up with the flow of traffic ;)
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