I thought the snot thing was improving, but noses are running freely again and now I'm sick too. Good times. In other news, we have another tooth! Kenna popped one through on Wednesday. Weaning seems to be going pretty well too, though it makes me sad. It is also a lot more work to feed bottles. On the other hand, it is work someone else can do. I have three more weeks before my trip. I'm leaving the kids with Charles and going to Seattle for the weekend. I'm excited about seeing everyone, but wish I could bring everybody--it is kind of a bummer to go to a big family get together without my family. It will be fun to get away, but it might have been more restorative to go to a spa for the weekend.
Laney has been incredibly 2 this week and we've gone round and round.
What can you do? We went to the park for playgroup on Wednesday and the babies ate sand and sticks. Another mom with a 2 year old daughter and 8 month old twins came to the group but I didn't get much of a chance to talk to her yet (she has boys). Laney climbed the dinosaur again and she and Griffin went on the swings. We went out to lunch with Jamie and her boys and with Mary and her daughter Logan at Burger King. The kids seemed to have a good time, but I had to break up a slap fest between Laney and Nathan (who is almost 4) and threaten them both with time outs. Laney met another boy and she wouldn't come out of the play structure. He was 5, an older man.
Today we're off to the Children's museum with our Friday group so I need to get hopping.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
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