Ok, I said I would start writing again, but it has been really hard to work up the energy by the end of the day and I haven't had access to my laptop during the day (or time). Also, by the end of the day I'm getting pretty tired and cranky, so I feel like my posts aren't as positive and upbeat as they could be.
We went on a whirlwind visiting trip yesterday: saw Bob and Raye, Olive and Don, and Debbie and Angelica. Bob is looking pretty good all things considered (he had a major, life threatening case of pneumonia). I always enjoy going over there. They are the nicest people. Laney got attacked by a tangelo tree while we were there and has a massive scratch on her face now. Then we went to Olive and Don's for a short visit. Ollie has a problem with her second eye healing from the cataracts surgery and I guess they have diagnosed her with arthritis of the eye. Yeah, I didn't know you could get that either. After that it was on to Deb's for some football. She bought a massive tv. We could have sat on the other side of the house and had a decent view. I think it's 52 inches. Huge. She's looking forward to David coming home in just a few more weeks.
Laney was sick in the middle of the night again and puked all over. After I cleaned her up and was rocking her, she puked on me, the chair, the floor and a blanket. I cleaned her up and put her in bed with us (armed with something to puke in this time) and she puked a third time, but with less disasterous consequences. With the resilience of youth, she started feeling better and wanted to talk. I sent her back to her bed with a couple crackers.
I'm deeply annoyed with my husband tonight. I told him I wanted my laptop back this week, so while I was doing puke laundry, mopping, running errands to the store to FedEx his stuff, etc. he went in my office and installed his video game on the desktop computer in my office too. While he was at it, he threw out all my icons on the desktop and hosed up god knows what else. So I changed his account to a limited and put a password on my computer. It's petty, I know. But sheesh!
In other news, Kenna has a tooth and Griffin is crawling at warp speed. I accidentally fell on the stairs carrying Kenna last week and dropped her. She bounced her head off a step and flipped on to the landing. I completely lost it (we were both fine). Yesterday, I left Charles on the floor in our bedroom with Griffin and Laney. I asked him to put Laney's shirt on while I went to get K. While I was getting Kenna, I heard thumping and G started crying. He crawled out of our room and fell down the stairs while Charles was putting Laney's shirt on. He was fine, but it scared me. I just don't know what the deal is with all this falling. G is exploring everything so fast, I can hardly believe it. The other day he made it into the kitchen, got into the pantry, and was eating a rice cake when I found him. He's also been making forays into the laundry room and trying to get to the cat box. I'm going to have to install a lot more gates. Kenna started out strong on the crawling, but has stalled out somewhat. Tonight, I was doing the dishes and Griffin started crying in the family room. He crawled all the way into the kitchen and started tugging on my pant leg. Poor baby. Tomorrow we have playgroup at the park and it is supposed to be 77 degrees out. Crazy.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
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