Valentines day we took the kids in for pictures. I can't say they are the best pictures ever. All the kids were sick and grumpy, though Kenna was feeling photogenic and hammed it up. Most of the pictures featured Laney and Griffin looking drunken or mad. After pictures, we went to Ernie and Diane's for a while and they invited us for dinner (it was Ernie's 51st birthday). We had a good time and it was good to see them--it's been a while. We hadn't seen Ernie and the boys since before Christmas.
Sunday Debbie was supposed to come over, but she was tired from her ordeal on Saturday (she was a chaperone for the drumline on a trip to Phoenix and I don't think they got home until around midnight). So we had a lazy day and Charles actually felt good enough to make lasagna. I did laundry and lowered the cribs since the babies had been greeting me in the morning standing at the waist high rail.
Yesterday I went out to preview preschools (sortof). Laney can't go to preschool until 2010, since her birthday is in November. I think that's stupid. I think she's going to be ready to go to school long before she's able to. Anyway, she'll be able to do a 2 year old preschool. I just have to get her into it. I'm going to have to camp out the day of registration to make sure she has a spot. There are only 24 places and church members and families with children already at the school get first dibs.
It's playgroup day, so I've got to run...
Pot lucks
9 years ago
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