We had a good day today. No one fell or vomited or anything. Amazing. We went to playgroup at the park this morning and had a great time. It was great to see everyone that I haven't seen in a long time. The weather was really warm (I got kind of hot towards the end) and the kids were mostly pretty happy. Laney scared the crap out of me though. She was really busy pulling this little wagon around (note to self: buy one of these pronto) and was taking it around the playground structures and out to this jungle gym thing that is shaped like a dinosaur. I was nursing a baby and did my periodic Laney check and didn't see her, so asked if other moms could since sometimes the play structure will obscure the view from one angle or another. Another mom said "yeah, I see her. She's on top of the dinosaur". I about had a heart attack. She was walking over the top of this monkey bar dinosaur, just like the big kids. My friend Tenisha went running over there and I did up my bra and was right behind her (Thanks Tenisha!!). This thing is quite tall (6 feet at the center? Its taller than I am) and has probably 18 inch gaps between the bars. It is notorious for bashing the front teeth out of kids at the downward sloping ends. And there was Laney walking over the top. I was sort of proud of her that she was so brave to try it. She didn't fight with anyone that I'm aware of today and shared her goldfish--she literally poked goldfish into the mouth of one of the little boys. The babies used their play time to attempt to eat their weight in grass clippings and playground detritus.
After the playground, we went to lunch with my friend Jamie and her two boys at a sushi place. Again, Laney was on excellent behavior. Jamie's boys are on the more boisterous end of the spectrum, but I really like her and they are fine for the most part. And when they aren't fine, I tell them to behave (which perversely means they think I'm awesome. yeah, I don't totally get that either but it's a boy thing I think).
The only downside of going out is that the babies fall asleep in the car and catnap a lot, so their regular sleep patterns get a little disrupted. This wouldn't be a big deal if I had a single baby, but it means that the two of them don't sleep at the same time the whole day...which means I don't get any downtime either. Oh well.
We all watched The Little Mermaid tonight before dinner. I bought it on Sunday. Delaney loves it. I guess they are putting it back in the vault or whatever they do, so it was really hard to track down a copy. Stupid Disney.
Anyway, we all had a good day and I'm feeling the love for my children and husband.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
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