A momentous occasion, my first Crackerbarrel meal. Everyone in sorority was dumbfounded that I'd never eaten there, so that was where we went for social this month. I took the twins, but not Laney. She stayed home to watch a movie with her dad (he still can't walk and carry a baby, so they went with me).
The twins had a first this week: first bath together. Sooo cute. They are deeply into their bathtime. I realize that most babies are, but seriously, they are just hilarious they get so excited about it. Hopefully bathing them together will start to streamline the process. But regardless, I've really been enjoying the bath time.
We went to Phoenix yesterday to see my uncle Phillip, who had a layover on his way home from Costa Rica. Sounds like he had a good trip and since his house still has over a foot of snow on the ground, a little warm weather was probably good for him. It was a really long day though for the kids and since his plane was an hour and a half late, we spent a lot of time in the car. I felt kind of bad because I had to pee so bad by the time I picked him up that we just randomly chose someplace to stop (yeah, seriously, I really needed to go). He was starving so I don't think he cared either. Then we went to a cool park in Scottsdale, but we didn't really see much of it before we needed to go.
Today we went to Pump it Up with playgroup and then to Costco where I had the rudest checker. The more I think about it, the madder I get. When I went to check out, I had coupons and told the guy that I hadn't ripped each piece out--I was trying to ask if I needed to or not and he said "well, who do you think is going to do it, then?" in a really flip way. So I figured, ok, he's just thinking he's funny. Then after I checked out, I realized that I'd forgot that I had a second purchase to make on a separate receipt so I went back to get it and said sorry, three kids under 2 makes me a little loopy (or something to that effect) to which he replied "well if you are looking for compassion, sorry, you chose to have them". What a jerk.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
1 comment:
Did you speak to the manager? If not, you should write the store manager a letter. That guy should not be working in retail!
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