My dad had a little stroke on Monday night and went to the hospital Tuesday. Get this: he drove himself over to his dr's office (he doesn't understand that whole call the dr. first thing) and the doctor wasn't there so the person he spoke to at the dr's office TOLD HIM TO DRIVE HIMSELF 10 MILES TO THE HOSPITAL while potentially HAVING A STROKE. What??!! So of course, he did. He got all settled and started getting tested then left my mother a voicemail at work "yeah, hey I'm at the hospital...". She freaked out a little bit when she finally picked up her voicemail. So they did tests and can't find any damage, but still this was very scary. Thankfully Dana, my sister, called me and let me know what was going on. Sheesh. No one called forever. This miffs me because even if they think, no big deal, because I can't be there in person I need to know. I need to have an opportunity to call at least. What if everyone thought it wasn't a huge deal and put off calling me and something major happened? What if I missed an opportunity to talk to my dad one last time?
I'm hoping that this time he'll take a hint and finally quit smoking (including all tobacco products) for good. My kids need him to be their grandfather and I need him to be my dad. Preferably until I'm like oh say 75 or so.
So what else is going on? Laney is talking so much more, but we are starting to have a lot of conversations where she just doesn't have a word yet for what she's trying to say. She gets frustrated as I try to guess what she's trying to tell me about. I can relate to the problem because half the time anymore I can't get the right word out that I'm trying to say either.
K and G are spending more and more time on their tummies voluntarily. They are definitely at the glacier stage of babyhood. They move great distances but you can never actually see it happen. I need to buy another highchair since we all have dinner except Kenna who sits over in the family room. Griffin loves to be in the highchair since he can watch everything and be involved. I might even start feeding him in it soon. I'm still slacking on that cereal thing. Just another chore to add to my day.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
1 comment:
I'm so excited that you have a blog! Woohoo! Now I'm going to go back and read everything!
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