Happy Halloween! We made another attempt at the Tinkerbell costume for the playgroup party in the morning and it was a no-go. Laney thinks that costume was created by the devil. She will not, I repeat, will not wear it. In the afternoon, Charles explained that she needed to wear a costume and that she would say Trick or Treat and people would give her candy. Boy, she was all charged up and ready to go! She brought him her regular clothes and said put these on me and let's trick or treat. So I had to MomGyver a costume together at the last second. White tshirt, white shorts, bunny ears from Easter and some eyeliner and boom! you're a white rabbit. It worked.

We canvassed the neighborhood with the twins and Diane, Leah and Brandon. Everything went well, except one little thing. Some idiot in my neighborhood decided it would be super fun to answer the door in a Scream mask that literally ran with blood all over the face. Laney was truly horrified at the boo boo and after that house she stated over and over again that "Halloween scare Laney". I felt awful.
I cannot believe how much candy that child came home with. Seriously, a bagful from just close neighbor houses. What are we going to do with it all?

You eat the candy! That is a joy of being a parent at Halloween!
Tim would not wear a costume either. He is train crazy so I bought him a Percy outfit. He would not go near it so I wore it. I ended up putting a construction vest over his coat. He was unaware that he was in costume. But he too enjoyed the whole getting candy concept. Fun fun!
FYI-I tried to access the Fullhouse! blog on your sidebar and well, if you are linking to me, you may want to recheck that. If not-can you speak other languages?
I fixed it (a couple times) and the Portugese finally went away.
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