I should change the name of my blog to something related to bodily fluids and their distribution. I know that many of my posts relate to pee or poo, but hey that is my life. Deal with it. You at least only have to read about it, I have to clean it up.
This morning Kenna's diaper leaked on my side of the bed. I got Laney up and found her in a pool of her own (stupid princess pull ups). During nap time, Laney decided that her pull up was too wet and needed to be removed. I don't know if she removed it before or after wetting her bed a second time, but I found her dancing naked after a too short nap. She soaked her pull up again right before bath time and sat on me all soggy.
It was just one of those days. Laney spent too much time watching videos, but I was tired. Griffin was grouchy today. He didn't really take an afternoon nap like he normally does and just cried on and off. By dinner everyone was unhappy and they all three sat around me and cried. It was just awesome, let me tell you. They all finally settled down, but when I went upstairs to give Laney a bath Griffin started howling again. That boy gets seriously mad. He turns red and just yells. It's a good thing that he's really cute. Everyone went to bed pretty easy though so I decided to clean my oven after the massive chicken leakage problem Friday night (can't remember if I mentioned this but I roasted a chicken in a pan with a hole in it and didn't figure out what the problem was until 3/4 of the way done. Very smokey). I haven't cleaned my oven before, but it started billowing smoke from all the grease burned in the bottom. So I called my mother. I'm still airing things out. It was eye watering to say the least. Now I'm going to go to bed in my pee peed bed.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
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