So we skipped the Tea for Two party on Monday in favor of sending Mommy to the doctor. The diagnosis? Possibly pleurisy, an infection of the lining of the lungs. I'm waiting for blood work to come back and taking tylenol. That night I fed both babies cereal for dinner and then Griffin screamed for hours straight. We tried everything but nothing was making that baby happy. During the scream-a-thon, Charles checked on Kenna and found her face down in a puddle of vomit. He rolled her over and she projectile vomitted across her crib. So he cleaned everything up and took care of a puking baby while I dealt with the screaming baby. Meanwhile, the birthday girl had been sent to bed a little early and was also screaming for quite some time. After the Kenna thing, we decided to do a check on her and found her passed out in her crib with a majorly runny diaper spread everywhere. So I woke her up, cleaned her up, and Charles rocked her back to sleep while I dealt with Kenna (Griffin had gone to sleep). Did I mention that we have 3 cribs and 4 crib sheets? On a two crib disaster night, this did not work out well.
Sometimes you've just got to laugh. It seems like there are just times like this when it all goes south at an amazing rate and there just isn't anything you can do about it but carry on.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
Three cribs and four sheets! You need to go shopping! When you are better of course. Listening to your puking and crying babies makes me so happy that our kids are older now! Ho[e everyone gets better soon!
Yeah, I do need to go shopping. I don't know what I was thinking to not buy backup sheets.
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