We went to the zoo today with our play group and then to lunch at Claimjumper. I should have known that it was going to be a hard day when I got to the zoo (after a few wrong turns) and discovered that I didn't bring my wallet. I had emergency cash though, so on to the elephants it was. I can't say it was the best zoo visit that we've had, but it was ok. A kind docent lady held Griffin while I fed Kenna. I nursed my children next to the cave cockroaches. Tasty.
I feel sorry for Laney sometimes because her life is harder than it is for the other kids . I only have two stroller spots and three kids--she gets to walk everywhere. (though I can't say I'm against that anyway. Kids can walk and it's good for them. Maybe that is the beginning of the childhood obesity epidemic--getting pushed around while eating goldfish and raisins to keep you quiet) I didn't bring the leash with me either or the baby carrier. So it was hard to manage the running toddler and the fussy babies. C'est la vie.
I should have called it quits and gone to McDonalds for lunch with the kids, but decided to go with everyone to Claimjumpers. Laney and the twins were fairly good, but it was still stressful and I was more than ready to leave by the time we were through. They all screamed in the car for the first 20 minutes of the car ride home and Laney didn't fall asleep until we were nearly home then skipped her nap. I made her stay in bed until 4 anyway because I needed some downtime. I'm mean, what can I say. She has plenty of entertainment in there and if she would stop screaming she might enjoy the quiet time too.
Griffin tried cereal tonight for the first time and seemed to like it quite a bit. He didn't eat much, but it was a good first effort. That boy likes his chow. Kenna rolls at will now and spent a good part of the afternoon checking out the playmat. She doesn't sit up quite as well though. The dr gave the ok for cereal last week, but I have to admit I'm being a little lazy. I need to buy another highchair and am not as enthused about adding another chore to an already full day. Sigh. But the upside might be better sleeping. They seem to be sleeping less at night than they were before, so they might need a little more in the tummy. Or less incentive to come have a cuddle with mommy. I don't put them back as promptly as I should because I usually fall back asleep.
Our evening bedtime ritual kicked up a notch tonight. Kenna had a major diaper blowout today and Griffin was covered in cereal so there was just no ignoring the fact that they needed baths. So we tried something new. Previously, I've left the babies downstairs while bathing Laney, but they always get mad. Tonight, everyone went upstairs together. I got all the stuff together and bathed Kenna, wrapped her in a towel, bathed Griffin, wrapped him in a towel, put Laney in the bathtub to get on with her important water playtime and diapered and dressed both babies there on the bathroom floor. It was a little crazy: Laney helped me by trying to steal the soap, dipping a wet wipe in water and squeezing it out on my back, and turning on the faucet. Griffin peed and nearly got me. But all in all, it worked out. God knows what I'm going to do when they can all get around. though maybe I can bathe them together then. Getting them dressed afterwards will be another story.
All were in bed by 8 and mommy had a glass of wine. I need to hit the hay now too.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
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