Ok, we've all got to start somewhere. This is my first post in what I hope will become a meaningful journal that gives those closest to me a way of staying in touch with my life and me a way to look back and remember how it really was.
I told my sister-in-law a story about Delaney today and she said that I should write it in her baby book. Um, what baby book? Laney will be 2 in two weeks and I never wrote down a thing. Now that the twins are 4 months already (!) I try to remember what I was doing and what Laney was doing at this age and I just can't. At the time, you think that the special memory will last forever, but in reality it fades away and you only have the impression of the moment. So Laney's first two years are largely undocumented, even though they have been incredibly wonderful. My memory of those years? I remember giving birth and feeling a profound, intense love like I've never felt and being really suprised by it. I remember a beautiful, easy child who was always amazing and only occasionally exasperating. That's the impression, but the truth is lost in the day to day chaos of life.
So what was it that I should write down from today? Laney and I were talking on the couch and I asked her if she had filled her pull-up. She said no with a twinkle in her eye, so I asked her if she was lyin'. She said yes. I laughed and she said "lion! rraaarrgh!". Then I laughed harder. Language acquisition is a riot.
Kenna is rolling and trying so hard to crawl. She rolls and her legs go crazy. If I give her something to brace against she can scoot across her playmat. So cute. Griffin is having a major mama moment this weekend. He wants to be held and loved by mommy and is somewhat fussy. He conned me into letting him spend half the night in my bed last night, until finally I put him in his crib at 2:30 to cry it out and go to sleep for the night. I swapped him out for Kenna, who has been eating reliably at 2:50 and 5:50 each night/morning. She managed to hang out in my bed until 4. She's very stealth. But if they are there I can never sleep well and get all stiff from trying not to move.
So this morning dawned with me tired, stiff, and very cranky. I did not win the motherhood award today. By noon all three were screaming and I was about to pull out my hair and run from the house like I was lit on fire. I feel bad that the patience well runs dry so often and that Laney receives the brunt of the anger/impatience. I vow to do better.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
1 comment:
I am so so so thrilled that you are now a blogger! I too love that it is a document that I can go back and remember. In fact, I made a book of mine and it is AWESOME! I can't wait to see what else you will be up to!
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