Today we picked up my mother-in-law, Olive aka Vovo, and went to the mall. It's been a while since we've seen her and it was good to catch up. Diane joined us for lunch at Chick fil A. Love me some of that Christian chicken.
Laney woke up really late today. She was so quiet that I did the stealth check to make sure she was alright. What is it about being a mom that gives you that chilling thought that something might be wrong if your child sleeps in? I hate that I think things like that, but I guess it is fairly normal. When I went to check on her a second time, she was quietly reading "Olivia" (she calls it her piggy book) to herself. She has about 10 books in her crib and loves to "read". Tonight I think I went through every book we own with her. She's also taken to wanting to leave the light on when I put her down at night so she can read to herself before she goes to sleep. I think that it's just a delay tactic, but it's so cute I can't say no. Unfortunately, after going back to find her half asleep tonight, I turned out the light and it caused a tantrum of major proportions. Sigh. On the up side, the babies were completely exhausted from their day at the mall (and no longer naps), so they zonked out early. That meant they didn't get baths though. So I have dirty well rested children.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
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