I didn't realize that I hadn't posted on the poultry drama. Monday evening I went over to Starbucks as an excuse to take the kids out of the house. Fresh air makes them less cranky for some reason. Laney told me on the way over that she wanted to go to Barack Obama's house in the city he lives in. She's going to wear a pony tail. She picked out a nice rock in the fountain on the way to Starbucks to give to President Obama. At Starbucks we were going through the usual routine when the barrista said that she had a baby in the back too and would the kids like to see it. A couple of bikers had picked up a quail chick on the Centennial trail and "saved" it. While looking for someone else to complete the "saving" process, they stopped for a coffee and ended up leaving the quail at Starbucks. So there it was, in a coffee cup. The barrista said that she wasn't sure what to do with it and I volunteered that my sister might take it, so I called Dana and she and the kids came down to Starbucks and got it. It went home with them and after it kept trying to fly out of the nest box they put a bantam chick in with it. The two cuddled up and were supremely happy. It's still hanging in there.
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