It was a long weekend and we're all still a little tired! I finally pried the computer out of Charles hands (he went to a beer tasting--yes a beer tasting). We went up to Sandpoint Thursday afternoon and from the looks of our cars you'd think we were leaving for weeks. I felt like I took load after load after load down to the cars. Uncle (Uncle Phillip, my mom's brother) lives outside of Sandpoint. He's pretty close to the lake (Pend Oreille, pronounced ponderay) and has a little pond stocked with fish on his land. We had a big family dinner on Thursday. Friday all the girls went shopping and the guys stayed home and taught the kids to fish. Charles also worked on his "ground food". We traditionally cook in iron dutch ovens when we camp, which either Nick or Ian named ground food years ago. We brought a giant hunk of rib eye for dinner and Charles carved it up into steaks. The rib eyes caused a grease fire and when Joe and his family came up the road they were sure that the house was on fire there was so much smoke pouring from the porch!
We finally got to meet Joe's baby, Sydney and she is very cute at 6 weeks old. Liz is seeming to do pretty well with the mothering thing and got lots of unsolicited advice all weekend from us all. Poor Liz!
Saturday we went to the parade. It was really long. I hadn't been to the Sandpoint parade in a long long time (like 20 years or more).
We went down to the lake that afternoon to swim and had a big fireworks blow out courtesy of Sunny and her "connections" (Sunny's grandma is a Colville tribe member). I put most of the photos in the slideshow... I'll try to post more about the weekend eventually, but I'm tired now. I cleaned house for my sister today and I'm just beat.
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