Yesterday, after awaking at an ungodly hour, we all went to the mall to go bra shopping. What incredible fun you must be thinking to yourself. I bet you can't imagine what could be more pleasurable than trying to navigate through the unmentionables with a twin stroller and try on bras (lamenting the sad results of nursing three children) while your toddler yodels out the bottom of the door. I can hardly think of anything more joyful. Laney shoplifted from Gymboree, so we had to go back and return some things. Cute stuff though. If I was in the mood to spend stupid money on kid's clothes, I would totally go there. After our lunch at the food court--kids were all good, people all stared--we had to make a trip to the potty. Gross. What is with people and their willful disregard for hygiene? Then we got Laney a haircut. I made the mistake of answering my cell phone while in the hair place and my daughter found herself a lovely lip balm on a key chain for $9.50 (!!) that she thought was so great she tried it on. So she got her first "real" haircut and a rockin' lip balm. Said lip balm was the impetus of a massive meltdown at Hallmark and then again at home prior to nap. All of the kids passed out immediately upon entering the car (and Laney promptly peed in her sleep). Twenty minutes later, I unloaded everyone, got them upstairs, fed the babies their bottles, put them back down for a nap and then fought with Laney for 2 1/2 hours about taking a nap. I needed a nap. No nap.
Tired and disgruntled, I thought we'd make it easy and go to the pizza place for dinner. Pizza place is closed. So we went to Red Robin. It was not an easy dinner. But eventually they all went to bed. Today is a new day, right?
Speaking of today, we got up at a more reasonable hour, waking me out of a dream in which I was running a marathon that involved hanging on to ledges and going through other obstacles--weird, things are going better. Griffin was just trying to put his shoe on and said "ball". They are about to go down for an early nap.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
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