Went to Nina's (aka Aunt Debbie's) for dinner yesterday. We're trying to make an effort to get together as a family once a week for dinner. Debbie was guilted into serving a vegetable since I was coming and then I made her eat them. Ha ha! She told Laney to eat her little trees and Laney looked at her like she was crazy and said "no,that's broccoli Nina!". Laney isn't huge on veggies, but I don't really say anything and keep putting them on her plate. I figure I'll wear her down eventually.
Today I went to the mall and bought myself a pair of jeans. Yea for me. Laney went to Aunt Di's and played with Leah (who was home sick so hopefully she doesn't come down with the same illness). I went in to get Laney this morning and found her buck naked and busy throwing everything out of her crib again. She had to have another bath this morning and most of her stuff needed a wash. I'm not sure what the timeline is and whether she is taking the pullup off before or after wetting the bed or a little of both. Potty training is on the agenda for the new year and regular diapers may make a reappearance at night time just because of leakage.
Griffin woke up singing this morning and didn't stop all day. He was in bed with me early this morning after nursing and he woke up and sang and tried to touch my face. Which is the nice way of saying he lovingly tried to poke my eyes out and grab my nose. He was very sweet all day long. Kenna cried big tears for a large portion of our mall visit but got happy again later. Griffin got scared by a little boy at the mall and had a panic cry, which is so weird for me to deal with because Laney never did that and Kenna seems pretty oblivious too. So my little boy gets freaked out by strangers occasionally.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
1 comment:
Underpants! I haven't even begun to think about potty training Tim. I won't do it until he comes begging to pee in the potty!
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