Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Santa Claus came to town

Santa visited the Oro Valley library today and it was CHAOS, but fun. Laney joined in the crowd at the front with Santa and did ok. She looked a little lost every once in a while though. We got our picture taken with Santa, but I was feeling a little harried by that point and didn't want to take too much time so they aren't super great shots. At least the kids didn't cry and a whole lot of the other kids did. I was feeling pretty bad for Santa and I think he was getting a little tired of the whole thing too.

After the library, we went out to lunch at Pei Wei and then had gelato at Frost. Then Laney, Logan, and Nathan all played in the fountains at Casas Adobes plaza. They had a lot of fun, except when Nathan pushed Laney off the fountain and she hit her head. She has a bruise on the back of her head now. Things got a little wild, but hey, that's kids for you.
This afternoon I baked brownies and took my homemade chicken pot pie over to Talia with the brownies. I didn't bake the small pie that I made for Laney and myself yet, but hopefully it will be good. (the casserole didn't make the cut and I went for classic comfort food) The only bummer was that the lid of my pan screwed up the crust on Talia's. I didn't bake Talia's, since I thought they might want to freeze it instead. Food parade's are awesome, but you do get inundated with food.
We ended our night with the now daily dinner scream-a-thon. My kids seem to turn into monsters promptly at 5 (and then I turn into a monster too). Except Kenna, who was an angel tonight. Thanks, K. After they are all in bed, I know I should get busy and pick up/get stuff done, but I'm just wiped out. But tomorrow is another day...

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