The twins went to the doctor today for their 6 month checkup. I can't believe that it is 6 months already! Anyhow, Griffin is 26 1/2 inches long and weighs 17 1/2 pounds (less than I thought. He feels like he's packed full of lead). That puts him solidly in the 50% percentiles. Kenna is still dinky, coming in at 24 1/4 inches long and weighing 13.7 pounds. That puts her in the 10th percentile. Her head is in the 70th though, so I guess her little brain is growing! They got two shots and an oral vaccine today and will go back next week for two more shots. Lucky them.
Everyone is still sick. G was up all night and ended up sleeping in my bed. I'm not sure exactly how I've managed to be sharing my bed so frequently with babies. Laney never slept in bed with us. I hope this all passes by next week though. I don't think flying with colds sounds like a lot of fun.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
1 comment:
I didn't realize that there was such a difference in the twins sizes. And I so get you on sharing your bed with babies. Seems mine have never left! But since Terry hardly ever sleeps with me because he works so dang much-I kind of like the company. Bad habit I know!
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