I wanted to mention that you may notice that I do several posts a day, but then no posts for a few days. This is because I let my hubby hijack my laptop downstairs for his warcrack game. I didn't realize that I was giving up my computer; I thought I'd just share it a little. And not to point fingers or place blame, but now that he's using it, it seems to have developed a little bug that causes the desktop to change spontaneously. So anyway, to write a post or whatever, I have to be upstairs with my laptop.
In other news, both babies are now sleeping through the night! This is a good thing unless you ask my boobs, which are still a little miffed about the idea and wake me up several times a night. Hopefully they will get over it soon. Also, Laney is getting jazzed for Christmas. We had a discussion about Santa coming with presents and how we will leave cookies out. and she said: "we will leave tookies for Santa and coffee"
I told her that Santa always seemed to have a soft spot for his coffee when I was a kid, so probably Santa still likes it. Are you listening Santa?
I braved the crowds briefly today to shop the Carter outlet sale. Three kids never seem like a lot until you have to buy clothes for them. I still need to buy clothes for myself. I hate buying clothes for me. In a fit of post pregnancy organization, I donated most of my clothes figuring it would give me incentive to actually purchase something. In addition, most of the stuff I kept is now too big. I've been shlumping around in jeans that are falling off me, which is driving me crazy. I really need to do something about it sooner rather than later. Stupid spandex and the popularity of low rise jeans are ruining my life. I need to squat down all day long, as well as bend over, sit on the floor and everything else moms do. It would be nice to do so without my butt crack showing.