Hi all. Yeah, I know I've not been writing but it has been a busy month. When I realize that I haven't blogged in a while then it gets harder to do it because there is so much to say. Charles had his surgery today and it went well. I've been busy like crazy and I'm feeling beat tonight so I'm not going to write much. Took twins to dr. yesterday for their 18 month checkup and K is growing! She's now in the 25% for height. Yea Kenna! Still in 5% for weight though. Griffin has a sinus infection again but I forgot to give him his meds today since I wasn't home this morning. The twins are talking more and more. The dr. asked me how many words they say and I have to tell you that I just had no idea. I remember that with Laney I was so involved in each milestone and now the babies I feel like, whatever that's fine. My guestimate on words? about 15 for G and 20 for K. Depends on criteria for counting. They both understand everything you say however. G told me this week twice when I got him in the morning that he'd pooped (and he had). The second time he told me that he "poo poo nigh nigh". On the way home today from the store (he and I went to get C's r/x together since the boy freaks out when his momma leaves and I took pity on my mother in law) he told me that he was going nigh nigh. bye. and fell asleep. aw. Kenna says a lot more than Griffin does and it's super clear. She's also starting to make little sentences with verbs. "Fro Ball" and that sort of thing.
I went through my pictures today for our playgroup dvd and just can't believe how much they have all changed this year. Wow. I didn't think Laney had changed all that much but she really has. I've got to go and get some sleep since I'm dragging butt.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
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