My poor son is getting bit by everyone. His older sister, his younger sister. They are little animals and he's so sweet (most of the time). Kenna bit him at least three times today and then Laney bit him too. Luckily the girls are taking some cues from him occasionally and giving him some love too. The twins were so cute tonight while I was making dinner. Griffin hugged Kenna. He's also a kisser, but you have to watch out for the tongue...
Kenna was grouchy all day today and I'm not sure why. She's been drinking an incredible amount of liquids lately and is always thirsty. She also removed her diaper in a rage tonight. So I asked her if she wanted to go sit on the potty and she ran in to do it (!). She sat there very pleased with herself until Griffin pushed her in.
Hmm. What else is going on? The tree is getting raided at an astonishing rate. Somehow G got hold of a glass ornament ball and was trying to eat part of it. I let them walk in to pick up Laney at school today and it was like herding cats. Thought we might try it out, but I don't think it's any easier.
I'm very close to getting the Christmas shopping finished though I need to get nieces and nephews presents. Need ideas... I've been going a little crazy with Christmas shopping I think. I need to wrap things and figure out what I've bought. So I'm probably getting carried away. But it is so much FUN!! I bought G a train table today. Which takes up massive floor space, but I think all of the kids will enjoy it. And I'll be able to pick up trains as well as kitchen crap. Yeah, there is a downside to everything. Practical me says to return some of it. Xmas me is getting excited for Christmas morning. I'm not sure who will win. I haven't been this excited about a Christmas since I was actually a kid. I'm going to start wrapping tomorrow.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
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