We had a good Easter. Most of the family came to our house for dinner. Mike didn't make it this time. Thankfully the weather was really nice and we could sit outside. I gave the kids sand toys for Easter instead of baskets. The twins got a wagon and Laney got a big bucket. Laney and Leah hunted eggs outside. I think I got a little carried away with the eggs. I made ham for dinner which was really good and lemon meringue pies which were just ok.
Griffin is starting to talk! He said his first word on Friday and now he's up to two - ba ba and ma ma. He also has a raging cold of some sort so his nose is leaking fluids at an alarming rate. Mom can't stand it and has been attacking him with tissues. Kenna is still a dinky little bug and she still isn't in 9 months size yet. They were officially 10 months old on Saturday.
On Monday I officially reserved our condo for the summer so we will be heading to Idaho at the end of May and staying until the first part of August. Should be great (hopefully).
Pot lucks
9 years ago
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