So I hear that just because my parents are here, that's no excuse not to blog. For Mom's birthday yesterday we went to Tohono Chul garden and had lunch. While on our way out to the Children's garden I was leading the way with the stroller and heard dad say "snake". I was busy looking at a flower ahead of us so it took a second to register. Then dad said "Snake!" and I finally stopped and looked down in time to see a giant brown snake under the stroller and on its way to the other side of the path. I ran over it with the front wheels of the stroller! Mom and I both screamed and did the snake dance (ack! It's by my toes! Ack!!). I just about had a heart attack. It was only a 3 foot long gopher snake though. Officially my first snake encounter since moving to Tucson.
We went to the mall the day before and Dad played NASCAR stroller with Griffin and Laney. They thought it was awesome. Dad thinks I just take my kids out in public to show them off all the time. Maybe I do... ;-)
Today we're going to play group to do our Easter party and then Mom and I are getting pedicures in the afternoon. I'm debating about whether to bring the twins since G is sick again. He's starting to have low fevers again and a runny nose. Hopefully he's not getting another ear infection.
I will post pictures soon...
Pot lucks
9 years ago
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