I've not been in a posting mood this last week for some reason. So here's what's been shakin' at our house. We've been busy with swimming lessons. Laney took a new tack this week in her attempt to avoid swimming lessons. The previous week she told me that it "scared" her and I wasn't biting. So this week she told me the "I don't like Miss Shannon". Ok, swimming lessons anyway. Then she told me that there were dinosaurs in the pool. No deal. So her next plan was to say "I don't want to go first." Ok, I told her that was fine and the babies could go first. To which she replied "they go first and I will leave!" I had to laugh. What a schemer. She did well last week and on Friday I got in the pool too. Shannon showed me how to use my hands as a target for her to swim to and how to launch her back through the water. She swam underwater between us a bunch of times and even turned in the water to find me and then swim to me. She can swim about 4 feet underwater with her eyes open now.
The twins did well with their lessons too and are working hard at floating and coming up from a submersion to a float. Kenna was sick last week and we finally went to the doctor on Wednesday. She had an ear infection. I asked about the weird crusty stuff I'd seen in G's ear the week before and the doctor said that it was likely drainage from a perforated ear drum. Swell. I'm still sick but seem to slowly be getting better.
[current events: as I write this, Laney is leading Kenna through the house like a puppy using a toy fishing pole and Griffin is assaulting the pots and pans cupboard]
I tried to do both playgroup and swim lessons on Friday and nearly lost my mind. I was trying to do a bunch of stuff in the morning and get everything together for our swim lesson and the babies were tired and wanted to take a nap but playgroup was at 9:30 so I was trying to stall them. They followed me around crying all morning. Laney was being kind of a pest too. I finally got everyone loaded in the car and to playgroup at the park. But I forgot an important task prior to leaving. Laney didn't use the potty. So we got to the park and she announced she was wet. Awesome. So everyone got woke up and unloaded and we sogged our way over to the bathrooms to change. Then she had another accident while playing. Live and learn I guess.
I've got to go wash an entire cupboard worth of pans now. Laney got in on it and they cooked fake fruit and then turned the pans into cars.
Pot lucks
9 years ago