(Slow posting this was actually for Wednesday January 19)
We had a good weekend. On Sunday we went to church and Kenna made a project "for Jesus!!" Then we had a relaxing day and didn't do much of anything. Though Charles did finish his wall building and painting. His addition looks great! On Monday I sent them to the park together and I cleaned house. Charles returned and said that he wasn't cut out for that job. Too much to watch for at once. That afternoon we went over to Olive and Don's to visit. They are debating on selling their massive nativity collection (I told them I would help). There are over 300 of them.
Yesterday Charles left and things were going relatively well until about dinner time and then all hell broke loose. I was trying to get dinner ready and Griffin was "helping" me. During a rather key part of the cooking he suddenly lost his balance and fell off his chair--and swept the counter trying to save himself. Down came G and down right behind him came my Pampered Chef batter bowl (it's large, heavy and glass). I watched slow motion as he landed and the bowl bounced about 3 times. On the third bounce it exploded. So I got kind of excited about everything and the girls tried to run in to the kitchen. I yelled at them to get out, ran for the broom to sweep the glass explosion up and came back to start sweeping. Meanwhile dinner was burning. I checked dinner (thank god) and realized that in the fall he knocked the plastic bottle of olive oil over and onto the lit stove. It had melted through the top and was pouring oil onto my stove top. I expect I was about 45 seconds from a massive grease fire. Crisis averted, dinner served, and I had a glass of wine. One of the kids asked me for something and I turned back to find Kenna trying to chug my wine (quite an oenophile that one). So I packed them all off to bed without a bath. Kenna refused to wear her pullup. I caved. I went to bed not long after them.
Kenna peed her bed at about 2 am. I got her cleaned up and put her in my bed, but she woke Griffin who also wanted in my bed. They both wanted to sleep in my spot. We did some negotiating and settled down to sleep. Except my son didn't want to go back to sleep. I finally sent him back to his room at about 3 and he stayed up and kept me up for another hour and a half. Then he was up promptly at 7.
We skipped Kenna's dance class today because she didn't get up until almost 8:30. We went to Laney's. Then we came home and had lunch and went to take Laney to school. I got all the way there, went to take the kids out of the car and discovered that Laney (who had run out to put herself in the car) had declined to wear any shoes. No shoes at all. So we had to drive all the way back home, get shoes and return. I would have skipped it all together, but we car pool with another family and it was my turn to pick up the girls today. I was so mad I could spit. Griffin fell asleep for a nano second in the car on the return trip and that was his nap for the day.
So, not exactly a joy of parenting week. I need a nap.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
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