February needs to be over now because it obviously has bad ju ju. We've been beset by illness the whole month and I'm sick of sickness. Mom and Dad were here last week and we had a good time in between being sick (and the rain!). We managed to get strep throat, ear infections, food poisoning in the 11 days that they were here.
Kenna is still a little sick and I'm a bit concerned. Today she seemed like she was pulling out of the funk though so hopefully she's on the mend. She bit Griffin twice and I'm not sure she's bitten him once all week.
Dad went home and had a stroke. I got the call at 1:30 in the morning. He felt it coming on and took aspirin though so that helped. Quit smoking Dad. Please!!
I went to the dr the day that they flew out because I've been having a lot of pain in my feet (and pain in my knees, hands, wrists and hips). Got the call back today that I have rheumatoid arthritis. I was sort of wigged out about the prospect earlier in the week after I came home and looked it up. Turns out that it is the number 1 cause of people being on permanent disability. neat, huh? I've decided that I'm going to buy a piano. I've put off buying one for a long long time since I didn't really have a place for it, but you know, who knows what time will bring now and if I want to play I need to get on it now.
Oh yeah, I also got the questionaire from my high school reunion. What have I been doing the last 20 years? What did I do in high school? I have no idea.
Onward. God hates a coward.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
1 comment:
sounds like a bad month. I hope that March is better to you guys!
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