Saturday we went on a white water rafting trip in Montana on the Clark Fork river. The kids stayed with Dana and we took our nephew Sean. Mom and Dad, Matt, 'Chelle, Nick, Sunny (Nick's girlfriend), Nickie (Sunny's sister), Joe (Sunny's brother in law), Aunt Lynda, Ian, Ethan (Ian's friend), Liz, Charlynne (Liz's friend), Travis (Liz's friend), Mary Jo (Mom's friend and the family chiropracter), Antigone (Mary Jo's daughter) and Jan (friend) also went. It was as big group.
Here's a shot of Sean and Charles
We drove about 55 miles into Montana to the Lozeau exit and they took us down to the river in a bus. We had a really fun time. Charles, Lynda and I rode with the boys in the only boat that didn't self bail. We got the "baptism" boat.
Our guide was Pete, who was quite an interesting character. Pete, who sports a mohawk, taught English last year in Russia and came back with a girlfriend/fiance who was our photographer. He was in the Moscow Idaho shooting a couple years ago (guy in a tower killed several people and a few policemen) and has four bullet hole scars from being shot. He's a nice guy. The picture of Pete above only shows half of him, but I was working with a disposable waterproof camera.
We were strong paddlers (so strong we sort of missed a few of the bigger rapid holes). We did a couple rescues when Mary Jo's boat dumped (twice). Sean had a really good time.This shot shows him jumping on the water slide made of overturned boats during lunch.

He was wiped on the way back though. We stopped at the $50,000 Silver Dollar bar for snacks on the way back and then at the Enaville SnakePit for dinner (it's been in business for over a hundred years and is on the north fork of the Cd'A river. It's got "ambiance" in its own way.)
This picture is of Ian after he fell off the boat "riding the bull".