Yesterday was pretty quiet in the Phillips household. We pretty much just hung out and I paid medical bills. Big fun. Today we went to Gymnastics World and out to bagels with our playgroup. Ella and Laney weren't getting along today for some reason. They literally bumped heads on the trampoline and nothing was good after that. I felt bad for the babies--they slept at the gym most of the time and then there weren't enough high chairs at the restaurant, so they had to stay in the carseats. I'm planning to move them up to new carseats in a couple weeks, so I'm not sure what we'll do then. I bought a spiffy new (used) stroller the other day so I imagine they will spend time in it if there aren't seats. I got a Combi stroller that is a side by side double. It can fit through regular doors, which is a big deal for a double stroller. The babies are getting just too heavy to pack around in their infant seats. I can't wait to get them weighed next week. I know that Griffin weighed 19.8 pounds last week. Kenna is chubbing up too, but still fits in 6 month size clothes (compared to G in 12 month size).
Today I have to go get our taxes done and I'm not looking forward to it. Charles has meetings at TEP, so I have to take all of my children. I'm sure my grumpy old accountant will just LOVE that. But tough beans to him.
Pot lucks
9 years ago
1 comment:
Taxes what fun! I am looking forward to seeing you Friday.
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