Our preschool issue sorted itself out this week and I felt much better. I went to Laney's class on Friday, then went to another teacher's class on Monday. We're going to switch. I was glad I did the observation since it gave me a much better idea of what the problem was. It wasn't the kids. The class is extremely structured. I think Laney will be happier in a more free wheeling class that isn't quite so ordered. I was really stressed out about the whole thing, particularly when it turned in to a "what is wrong with your kid" issue rather than what is wrong with her class. But regardless, I feel confident that we will have a happier kid when school resumes.
Tucson is in the midst of Fall break. I think that between all the various holidays and half days, Tucson kids don't really spend too much time actually at school. It is handy for us however since we're heading to Hawaii tomorrow. So excited!!
The travel day tomorrow will be really really long. That's the downside of frequent flier miles. You get there...eventually. But we have our reservations for the dolphin encounter and luau.
Kenna is still being a brat to the poor little girl at school. I am not sure why. She seems to feel very competitive with her. Maybe because the other girl is also very small and Kenna doesn't get to be the baby? Who knows. Griffin is just happy most of the time unless he's having a toddler moment.
Laney started swim team this week and it went very well. She's a competitive soul. She won't swim meets until she moves up to the blue team but already she wants to win. She does pretty well, though her attention wanders a little bit every so often. After the rebuff we received last year, the team changed leadership and is now accepting young swimmers. Maybe we'll add G and K in the spring. I don't know though. I think that we might try out some other sports for Griffin. He picked himself out a book on football the other day. He's pretty pro-sports considering his father never watches them. Ever. And Kenna wants to do 'nastics and dance.
Kenna told me that the sun looked blue the other day (?) and that if you ate it it would taste like gum. Griffin has a lengthy story to tell about all sorts of things. He told his dad that he had special monster killing shoes that shoot lightening bolts out of them today.
I need to go try to finish a project now. We almost completely packed and ready to go. Two small suitcases and a backpack each. If I feel crazy, I might try to post while we are in Hawaii. Or I might just Facebook. Yes Mom, you should probably get a Facebook account one of these days. I am so jazzed that I finally got my camera fixed. Whoo hooo!