Quick update since last post: Finished school etc., headed to Idaho, got to Flagstaff and found out my dad was put into the ICU and had pneumonia, a heart attack and kidney blockage. Made the rest of the trip unsure whether we would see dad when we got here. He's been in ICU for two weeks today. Tuesday they did a surgical trachistomy and he was able to wake up and respond to everyone yesterday. He even sat up for the first time in 2 weeks. This morning he had two episodes of tachycardia and they are making the decision now on whether to do an angiogram. He's back in a medical coma again.
It's been cold and wet here (suprise. not) and we've been busy busy trying to get everything back into shape in the yard and house. I've got big renovation plans for the kids bath this summer and we're going to plant a garden. My sweet cousin Brian just got a job at the lesbian llama ranch and is bringing a load of "compost" over today for the garden. I've rented a tiller for tomorrow. We're kind of a little behind in getting things planted, but the family tiller hasn't been in good working order (machine or man).
We went to Sandpoint over Memorial weekend and visited the cemetaries. I had planned to do this before dad got sick and went ahead with it. Charles and I took the kids to Pinecrest and visited Grandma's grave (Smith. She passed last spring. Today would be her birthday). In retrospect, given the current climate in our lives we might not have taken the kids. Laney had a lot of questions and I got weepy a few times. Prior to the cemetary, we got lunch and then Griffin barfed all over himself as we left the drive thru window. Appetizing. So we made a stop at WalMart for more clothes. It was cool to see all of the headstones and recognize so many of our ancestors. My grandparents, their parents (with the exception of my grandma's dad) and my Grandma's grandmother are buried there.
After that, Charles dropped me at Uncle's and I met Mom, Aunt Lynda, Uncle Phillips, Uncle Curt, Ian, and Aunt Joyce, Matt and Michelle, and we made the trip out to Pack River cemetary to visit Grandpa and Grandma's McNearney graves. We take beer and have a beer with Grandpa--we each pour out a little for him. Afterward we go plant shopping in honor of grandma. Yeah. We're weird. I love to go out there because that area of Sandpoint is just beautiful. Seriously. Like Oh My God! beautiful. I'll take pictures one of these days if my camera ever gets fixed.
That afternoon we all went to Aunt Joyce's for a BBQ. Charles and the kids went early. The kids got to feed the baby calves their bottles and chase chickens/play in the hay/generally make a ruckus. Michelle took pictures, so when I get some, I'll post them.
Pot lucks
9 years ago