We're hanging in there. We had one of those days yesterday. It was just hectic and stuff kept going bad. The cable guy came right in the middle of the inauguration, so I missed it. The toilet overflowed and I didn't hear Charles call me, so he cleaned it up with my bath towels. Then he rinsed them out in the bathtub. So I got to clean the whole bathroom and do laundry. After carefully cleaning and sanitizing everything in the bathroom (during which I spilled bright blue bath stuff on the carpet), I went back downstairs to make lunch for everyone. That's when I heard the screaming. Charles went to use the bathroom and the floor was still slightly wet. His foot slipped out from under him and he fell and really hurt himself. I felt just awful. Laney was all in a panic about Daddy being hurt too. He seems ok now, but he banged it pretty bad.
Laney was a beast pretty much the whole day. She's really been acting out. All the kids cried continuously from about 4 to 7. I was pretty much out of juice by the time I got them all in bed. Then I worked on medical bills and tax stuff (what a mess). I had a glass of port and ice cream before bed and woke up with Kenna at 3 feeling super sick (surprise). I have to quit eating my stress I suppose.
This morning I went to get Laney and she had ripped up all of her new Tag books in her bed. She's been fine with them since she got them at Christmas and suddenly that's it. We all went to the park to get some fresh air and that was ok. Then we all went to Target together. I always feel like a circus act as I wheel my two carts through the store. I got a lot of stuff done during nap time and the house is getting a little more organized again. And hey! I went in to get Laney from her nap and lo and behold...no pullup on her. But the bed wasn't wet yet (and neither was the pullup) so we went in and used the potty. Good job Laney! My sorority gift this month was Portuguese wine and I'm very excited to try it. Maybe tomorrow night.
The babies have been quite fussy this week and I suspect that teething is imminent. We'll see though. Kenna can push herself up into a sit really well now and thinks she's super cool. Griffin is doing the all arm crawl. They are both Cheerio fiends now. I can't believe it. I think I'm going to start weaning them off the breast. A part of me kind of wants to continue through the first year, but then again it would be nice to be a little more flexible.
I'll post new pictures soon (after I take some I guess). Still haven't found the broken camera from Christmas. Mom: download the picts from your camera soon!
Pot lucks
9 years ago