After the busiest November I think I've ever had, December is shaping up to be pretty darn active too. Last month I had the perfect storm of volunteering for things and having everything happen within a few weeks. I made it through though. Technically, one of my November projects is still lingering because, after busting my butt to get a newsletter completed from absolute scratch, the president of Tucson Moms didn't get back to me for TWO WEEKS about the ads. And then sent an off hand go ahead and print it the Friday before I was helping Diane with the reception, teaching for our church group, and then hosting Thanksgiving. Let's just say that I didn't put the newsletter back on my priority list for a while.
In other news, I've been spending a lot of time at the doctor the last couple of weeks and it looks like I'll get to spend plenty more time there in the next few. To sum up the issues: weird bruise like thing on my rib cage that showed up for no reason 4 months ago and is still there; tingling and numbness in my feet, hands and on my legs that I thought was due to rheum. arthritis is not. Either it might be a spinal cord cyst or it is MS. Neither option is particularly appealing. Anyway, I've just had the blood workup of the century (thirteen separate vials and a 2 hour glucose tolerance) and am waiting to schedule the first of likely three MRIs. Super.
Our Christmas preparations are coming right along and we're enjoying the season. It's been really cold (for Tucson). The kids have been very funny lately and play together so much. We just go go go. On Saturday night we took them to my friend Charlene's to see the lights in her neighborhood and have cocoa. It was pouring rain in buckets. What a bummer. However we had a wonderful time at Charlene's. Charlene doesn't have any grandkids yet and has a major preoccupation with Xmas decor. So it was fun for all of us to see all of her decorations. The kids were entertained for literally hours at her house and I think Charlene was pretty entertained too.
This weekend Charles and I are going to stay at the Arizona Inn for a business dinner. I'm looking forward to a night away. Especially because C has been travelling a lot and won't get home until late Friday night.
Pot lucks
9 years ago